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It was my initial interest in genealogy that inspired me to write Cavaliers. Cavaliers is a historical saga from the Civil War in England to the Civil War in America, as seen through the eyes of the Cavaliers. This novel gives the reader the feeling of living through each period from the eyes of a participant, with abundant action combined with emotional intensity. History, for the most part, deals with the lives and times of historical leaders whereas I wanted this book to deal with the lives and times of a family unknown to recorded history whose conversations and activities were typical for the times and places where they lived. Consequently, I novelized the lives of an actual family while adhering to known facts of historical leaders and events as well as the know the facts about the family. Some may question the value of a book bringing to life a family of the past contending that it is of no value to the present. But the past is the foundation upon which the fleeting present rests and it is hoped that the story will bring to life the history of many similar families and will give guidance and inspiration to generations of the present and future to seek for themselves and honorable life and leave a worthy past upon which future generations can build. |
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